Friday, March 20, 2015

BatRep: Infinity N3 200pt – Nomands vs Yu Jing

Recently, Corvus Belli released the initial 2015 Tournament and Escalation League rules  for Infinity (you can Download them from the ITS page or Here).

The nice thing is that there are 3 levels of Tournament this year: 200 points, 300 points and 400 points.  With the scenarios and special rules listed, a player now has an idea what to expect and can plan their forces to maximize their play style and army choices.

The Escalation rules in the PDF show an 8 round campaign that starts with 120 points and works each player’s forces up to 300 Points.  Good way to start people off with a smaller army and working their way up to a regular 300 Point Force.  You could also, conceivably, use the Escalation Rules to do an Escalation Tournament. 

Hopefully, I can get people here interested in at least an un-official Escalation League…


Anyway, Graham’s Yu Jing decided to go against my Nomads.  I had 2 lists, one with a TAG (the Iguana) and one without.  I let Graham decide which list to fight and we agreed to go TAG-less; Graham didn’t feel ready to handle a TAG and I didn’t think it was fair to drop it on him without warning.

So, using the Tournament Scenario lists, we started with Annihilation (Low Tier) mission. Basically, this is a standard “Kill-or-be-Killed” mission.  Players received Objective Points based on the value of enemy models KILLED – not wounded. To increase the pressure – the game ends after 3 turns!

Both players were also required to deploy a “High Value Target(HVT) – basically a “non-combatant” model that would cost us the game if we killed one in error. I used a Tau Fire Warrior and a Pan Oceana model (acting as Military Observers, I guess). Then both sides rolled for 2 random Objectives from a table (This is to be replaced in the future by an “Objective Deck” from Corvus Belli in the future). Some missions require interaction with the HVTs, others require special actions by a “Specialist” (a Doctor, Hacker or Engineer) and some require the player perform a specific action or condition.

My Nomads were:
  • 1 Grenzer with a Multii Sniper Rifle
  • 1 Reverend Healer
  • 1 Mobile Brigada
  • 1 Spektr
  • 2 Alguaciles with MediKit
  • 1 Alguacile with Light Grenade Launcher
  • 1 Interventor Lieutenant with a Fast Panda

Graham’s Yu Jing were:
  • 3 Tiger Soldiers
  • 1 Celestial Guard
  • 1 Raiden with Heavy Rocket Launcher
  • 1 Raiden with Spitfire
  • 1 Guilang
  • 1 Zhanshi with Heavy Machine Gun
(Didn’t catch who was the Lieutenant)

We then spent a while setting up the table (4’ X 4’). Took quite a while with all those Cargo Containers!  Neither of us wanted too many long fire lanes.  We made the Store Buildings rear wall the edge of the 4’ play area.

We made our WIP rolls and Nomads won the right to determine initiative.  Of course, Graham made the Nomads deploy first…

Nomads deployed the Brigada, the Healer and the Grenzer on the left half of the table with the 3 Alguaciles covering the right, two of them watching the street between in between the buildings. I put the Interventor roughly in the center of the Container Maze and my HVT near the center of the maze.  The Spektre was deployed (hidden) about center of the table, behind the corner of the containers and just over 8” away from the HVT. 

Nomad Deployment

I took a picture of the Yu Jing’s deployment, but forgot to note who was where and I can’t tell which was which, other than 2 Camo Markers were on the Nomad’s Left.  Grahams HVT was also near table center, but closer to the apartment buildings.

Yu Jing Deployment

Turn 1:
I decided to give the Yu Jing the First turn for 2 reasons:
I would get last chance to shoot and kill any opponents with minimal risk to my own crew.
I got to play a Command Token for the Strategic Use: I made the Yu Jing lose 2 Order Tokens for the first turn! Bwa-hahahahahah!

Things started off for the Yu Jing:
Used a Command Token and Order to move the 3 Tiger in a Coordinated Order to move along the side of the Container Maze. The two Camo Markers moved forward a couple times on the Nomad’s Left.  The loss of the two Lost Orders really impacted what the Yu Jing could do…

Yu Jing Turn 1 (Tau Fire Warrior Is HVT)

The Interventor started things off: first, spent an entire Order to use “Cybermask” to change himself into an Imposter-2 Counter – rendering him safe from enemy fire. The spent 2 orders to run forward and get within hacking range to one of the HVTs to attempt a “Hack” (which I promptly failed)! The Hacking attempt made me lose my “Imposter” status, but I was safely behind a Cargo Container by then. It took me 3 tries (and orders) before I finally successfully hacked the HVT and completed one of my Random Objectives – HVT: Espionage – worth 2 Objective Points!

First I disguise myself..
Sneak up and successfully hack MY HVT!

I then attempted to drop a grenade from the Alguacile Grenade launcher using Speculative Fire, but sadly, the distance and Speculative Modifier made the penalty -12 – with only a Ballistic Skill of 11, this was an Auto-miss.

Turn 2:

Yu Jing:
More movement all around the table. The two Camo Markers moved way down into the Nomad’s table side, very near the HVT on my side. No casualties on the Nomad’s or Yu Jing’s teams.  Graham was getting worried at this point – he only had one more turn to gain any Points!

The Mobile Brigada used 3 Orders to move forward and use the flamer to make an Intuitive Attack on one Camo Marker, then moved forward and performed a Coup de Grace on the wounded model whose camo was Burnt away, and killed the Raiden with the Spitfire, which gained the first Kill for the Nomads.

(Checking the rules later, I discovered I missed making a Willpower Roll which I needed to pass before I could have flamed the Marker.)

The Genzer then was able to use his Visor to discover the 2nd Camo Marker – the Guilang Skirmisher.  As Genzer had a Sniper Rifle and the range was too close and the Guilang would have cover, the Reverend Healer moved forward and sprayed the Guilang with her Nanopulser.  However, the Guilang used his ARO to shoot back and in the end – BOTH the Reverend and the Guilang were wounded and rendered unconscious!

Genzer Discovers the Guilang...
Rev. Healer and Guilang knock each other out!

Finally, the Interventor took a shot at the Celestial Guard, but missed as the Guard ducked out of sight and into cover.  With no one able to spot him, the Interventor took a risk and used the Lieutenant’s Order, exposing his rank, to once more turn into Imposter-2!

End of Turn 2!

Turn 3:

Yu Jing:
Graham was desperate to score now – this was the last turn and he still hadn’t gotten any points!
From the back of the Deployment Zone, the Raiden with the Rocket Launcher revealed himself on top of some Cargo Containers and drew Line-of-Sight to the Mobile Brigada.  The Brigada dove for cover just in time as the missile passed harmlessly over his head (both of us failed our Face-to-Face rolls). The Raiden used a second Order to take a shot at the unconscious Reverend Healer, this time successfully hit the target and killed the Reverend Healer!

Raiden makes Brigada duck for cover & Kills the Rev. Healer!

The Zhanshi poked his head around the corner of the Apartment Building on his side of the table and fired an HMG burst at the Alguacile on opposite Apartment building, knocking her unconscious before she could duck behind cover! 

Zhanshi Knocks out an Alguacile!

The Brigada spent two Orders to move around the crates and perform another Coup de Grace on the wounded Guilang Skirmisher.  I then was greedy and did something stupid.  Taking a chance, the Genzer stepped out from cover and took 2 shots at the Raiden with the Rocket Launcher.  The Raiden reacted by shooting back.  When the smoke cleared, the Genzer was wounded and unconscious while the Raiden was untouched.  Sadly, for Graham, he knocked two figures unconscious but didn’t Kill them, so they earned him no points!

End Of Game:

Nomad’s Objectives:
HVT: Espionage – a Hacker with the Enemy HVT in his Zone Of Control must make a successful Short Skill WIP-3 roll.  FAILED!  I had misread the order and hacked MY HVT – it didn’t count!
Data Scan – Hacker must make a successful Short Skill WIP-3 roll with an Enemy Model within the Hacker’s Zone of Control.  FAILED!  The Interventor never got close enough to do a second hack on an Enemy Trooper.
Killing Enemy Troops – Per Graham’s evaluation, I managed to kill just over 50 Points of models: 1 Objective Point
Between 101 & 150 Points Surviving2 Objective Points
Total: 3 Objective Points

Yu Jing’s Objectives:
Extreme Prejudice – Perform a Coup de Grace against an unconscious model – FAILED!  While he killed the unconscious Reverend Healer, it was a ranged attack, not base-to-base.
Kill All Enemy??? – this objective doesn’t actually exist – not sure what he meant but it’s what was written down.
Killing Enemy Troops – While he killed the Reverend Healer, she wasn’t worth enough to gain any Objective Points.  However, I forgot my Spektre had never been exposed and was using hidden deployment the entire game.  Per the rules, Hidden Deployment counts as not being ON the table and as the Spektre he was NOT on the table – thus, he was not Deployed!  The way the scenario was written, troops not deployed count as casualties!  That bumped the “Kill” value to over 50 points and counted as 1 Objective Point!
Between 101 & 150 Points Surviving2 Objective Points
Total: 3 Objective Points

A Draw!

Ah well, so much for my strategy of hacking the High Value Target – I picked the wrong HVT! READ THE MISSION!!!

After drawing the missions I received, I decided to play a defensive game, counting on the Interventor to gain all the Objective Points I would need to win. Unfortunately, this meant playing a stagnant defensive game and in the end, I almost lost because I wasn’t out to cause casualties.  I kept the Spektre in Hiding because I didn’t “need” him and basically forgot about him.  As a result, Graham got his 2nd “Kill” and enough points to get the Draw.

The Limited Game turns really did affect the game play as it forced Graham to race forward and be too aggressive with his Camo Markers.  That put me in position to hit them with template weapons which he couldn’t avoid.  Sadly, it cost me my Reverend Healer when he decided to “tough it out” and shoot back.  The rest of his army was moved too slowly forward (with the exception of the Machine Gunner) to make a difference in the game.

Next time – we’ll both have to be more aggressive!

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